Jay Maisel

An outstanding photographer, Jay Maisel has a career that has spanned over 50 years. His images revolve around light, color and gesture. During my research, I fell in love with his images. I especially like the fact that he shoots whatever he likes - portraits, landscapes, street. He is famous for his portrait of Miles Davis (taken in the 60s, I think) - a beautiful images which is still very relevant today. He was a commercial photographer for a number of years and what distinguished him from other bodies of work was the fact that he never distinguished between commercial work and his own body of work. He is now retired and runs workshops in NYC. I would so love to attend one of them. That would be quite the dream workshop.

I have collected some of his images for my learning log. They are wonderful, vibrant with color, beautifully composed and interestingly enough, he doesn't really post process much. These images are more or often than not straight out of the camera.

I enjoyed reviewing his work, reading and watching some his interviews. Kelby training has a wonderful webcast " a day with Jay Maisel" which is well worth watching as well.

His work can be seen on his website.